Saturday, March 03, 2012


"So, what's your book about, Jen?"

I get this a lot.

It's kind of hard to take a 300 page book and squish it down into a few paragraphs! I used to browse the bookjackets of some of my favorite novels and tried to model my synopsis after them.

The title is Losing my Anchor... but from what I've read on the process of selling a book, the publishers can rip up your title and call the thing whatever they please.

Imagine you're in a bookstore and there's a book sitting on the shelf in the chick-lit section. Men: you are here to buy a book for your wife/girlfriend/sister/mom... or you're super-cool and don't care if the people on the bus judge you for reading a girl book. Note: If you're on the bus, you must not be from Halifax as we're in the middle of a transit strike. pick it up the book to see if you'd like it.

You flip it over (because for a first novel to get hardcover with an actual bookjacket is like a one in 5 bajillion chance). This is what you read.....

Penny Parker is a lucky girl. She has a good job in a new town, a supportive family, and a handsome boyfriend. She’s sure Corbin is going to pop the question at any moment - and when he does, she already has an amazing honeymoon planned to a far away destination.

Just when she’s sure her life is headed in exactly the direction she wants it, everything is changed when she learns Corbin has been keeping a secret from her.

Not content to simply tread water when she could make waves, Penny escapes and starts fresh. She takes a dream job in an unconventional setting and meets a crew of friends who each have their own reasons for wanting to avoid reality. She has moments when she’s thrilled with her new life, others where she feels she’s in over her head, and the tides turn when Penny discovers her heart is more anchored in the past than she thought it was.

Do you frantically run to the check-out, knocking over a display of mints-in-tins, and clotheslining yourself on the canvas divider and posts intended to organize unruly bookworms into a line? You do? Yay! I hope you didn't hurt yourself.

And because books and tea go so splendidly together... read on for a tea taste test.

So, me and cinnamon hearts had a bit of a falling out when I was in grade 8. My grandmother gave me a whole jar of them for Valentine's Day and I took a large handful to school with me. I kept them in a sandwich bag inside a zippered pocket in my binder. All day long, I slipped one after another of the hot and sweet little devils into my mouth. By the time I got on the bus at the end of the day, I couldn't feel my tongue. Weird, but no big deal.Well, the next day I woke up to a mouth FULL of canker sores. I was barely able to eat for the next few days. That was the end of my love affair with cinnamon hearts.

Imagine the nostalgia that flooded over me when I took a whiff of Hot Lips a few days ago. A liquid form of cinnamon hearts that won't turn the inside of my mouth into burning pain? Yay!

This is what it looks like brewing. The  tea is bright green, much more vivid than the picture depicts. Thanks Parents for the steeper pot. It has a magic bottom that empties the tea out when you place it on a mug.

I love love love the smell of this but I'm not a huge peppercorn fan so I heart the scent more than the taste. Hmmm... maybe I'll pick the peppercorns out.

Glitterary Girl

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